Here's just one album cover, you can see the inside pages at this link

Here are some of my favorite other gifts
Since I have dogs, these double sided tags are wonderful! A cute design, picture and the dog's name on one side, address and two phone numbers easily fit on the other side! The dog tags were on sale for $1.99 each shipping included.
Peggy was a foster dog of mine that my Dad and Stepmom adopted. BTW, her full name is Peg Leg Peggy because when I picked her up from the shelter she was missing a back foot and it looked like she had a peg leg. They all have their stories and each one of my foster dogs holds a special place in my heart. It's even better when family adopts and I get to see them often!
This first was a purse for my grandmother. The second was a handbag that I bought for my sister. She used it as a diaper bag and it was the perfect size. The quote is so perfect about raising children.
And a favorite for those card players out there. You can use the same picture or all different.
They even have ornaments! These were only 2.99 each shipped!
And I love this one! Although it took forever to get because my shipment went to some lady in Georgia, so they had to reorder for me. The one downfall is this company is overseas, so allow a month for them to create your design and ship.